Loved by Women, Hated by Cheating Men
Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs is a comprehensive
infidelity reference book that documents practically every known sign of
infidelity. No other infidelity book contains as many telltale signs. Based
on years of research by infidelity expert Ruth Houston, Is He Cheating on You contains much more than the so-called “classic”
signs of infidelity. This book is packed
with also includes dozens upon dozens of infidelity signs that most people usually overlook, including numerous
subtle signs of infidelity even cautious cheaters are unaware of displaying and
thus would never even think to cover up.
This easy-to-read
and straight-to-the-point, 192-page book contains hundreds of infidelity signs that
are conveniently grouped into categories so you can easily find the signs that
apply to your relationship, or your mate.
Work Habits
Conversational Clues
Day-To-Day Behavior
Telephone Tip-Offs
How He Relates to You
Car Clues
Physical Appearance
His Behavior Around Other Women
Financial Affairs
and more. (See sidebar for complete list)
Each category contains from 19 to 92 telltale signs, all of which can be found using nothing more than your own
eyes and ears, your personal knowledge of your mate, and the information in
this book. No
software, electronic gadgets, or surveillance equipment required.
Despite the title,
most of the signs of infidelity in Is He
Cheating on You apply to both cheating women and cheating men. Written by
an internationally-recognized infidelity expert who is frequently called on by
the media to comment on infidelity issues in the news, Is He Cheating on You can help you uncover all kinds of infidelity.
Since no two cheaters display exactly the same telltale
signs, knowing what to look for is the key.
Included in the
book are:
- signs which can help you determine the identity of the “other woman” or the “other man”
- signs practically impossible for even “experienced” cheaters to conceal
- signs even a private investigator would be hard-pressed to find without input from you.
- signs most people usually overlook
- little-known signs not found in any other infidelity book
Given the rapidly rising rate of infidelity, Is He Cheating on You by infidelity
expert Ruth Houston should be mandatory reading for anyone in a relationship, regardless
of whether they suspect infidelity or not.
your spouse or significant other is cheating, Is He Cheating on You will help you find out FAST. If your mate is not cheating, Is He Cheating on You can put your mind at ease by helping
you disprove what you suspect, and keep you from falsely accusing an innocent
on 9 years of in-depth research on infidelity which began when she accidentally
discovered her now ex-husband's affair 20 years ago, infidelity expert, Ruth
Houston has written a practical, no-nonsense infidelity reference book that will serve you well for
many years to come.
To order your
personal copy of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs from ($29.95),
click here. To order the e-book
version from
($37), click here. (NOTE: The e-book version contains a special bonus
section with questionnaires, an “affair recovery” guide, and brief “Is
SHE Cheating?” section for men.)
Order your personal copy today.
More Infidelity Information for You
To receive monthly
infidelity information (tips, little-known signs of infidelity, practical
advice) from infidelity expert Ruth Houston, on dealing with all aspects of
infidelity, e-mail
E-book version Is He
Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs from ($37)
NOTE: The e-book version also contains a special bonus section with questionnaires,
an “affair recovery” guide, and brief “Is SHE Cheating?” section for men.)
$20 - while supplies last
Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs is currently being updated. Meanwhile, a limited number of the original softcover version of Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs are available directly from the author for the discounted price of $20 (+ $3.50 shipping and handling).
To order your personal copy for the discounted price of $23.50 (includes shipping and handling) click here or use the buy button below.
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